Friends of Pax Christi International
Cardinal Alfrink Peace Fund 2023 Annual Report
Cardinal Alfrink Peace Fund 2022 Annual Report
Cardinal Alfrink Peace Fund 2021 Annual Report
Cardinal Alfrink Peace Fund 2020 Annual Report
Cardinal Alfrink Peace Fund 2019 Annual Report
Cardinal Alfrink Peace Fund 2018 Annual Report
Cardinal Alfrink Peace Fund 2017 Annual Report
Cardinal Alfrink Peace Fund 2016 Annual Report
Statutaire naam
Stichting Kardinaal Alfrink Vredesfonds
RSIN / fiscaal nummer: 814897599
ANBI-status: Ja
Postadres: Postadres Singel 448, 1017AV Amsterdam
De heer E.H.N. De Jonghe (Voorzitter)
De heer W.J.J. Caekelbergh (Penningmeester)
De heer W,J.J. Caekelbergh (Secretaris)
De heer J.H.M. Hanssens (Bestuurslid)
De heer B.H.C. Schennink (Bestuurslid)
De heer J.R.T.M. Peters (Bestuurslid)
De heer J.A.N. Stuyt (Bestuurslid)
– guarantee fund for the security of the interests of the staff employed by Pax Christi International (PCI) – liquidity fund for PCI to bridge the time gap between expenditure and expected revenues – guarantee for activities of PCI outside the normal budget – reserve to cover operating deficits of PCI – making available an amount for the Pax Christi International Peace Award to be awarded annually.
To promote, support and promote peace work on an international level. in particular by providing financial support to Pax Christi International and furthermore everything that is directly or indirectly related or that can be conducive thereto, all in the broadest sense of the word.
Policy plan
The aim of the Kardinaal Alfrink Peace Fund (KAVF) foundation is:“to promote, support and propagate peace work at an international level, in particular by providing financial support to… Pax Christi International and also all that directly or indirectly related or may be conducive thereto, all in the broadest sense of the word.” (Article 2 of the articles of association).
The objective of financial support to Pax Christi International (PCI) has been elaborated by the KAVF as follows:
- The KAVF is a guarantee fund for and contributes to the protection of the interests of the personnel employed by PCI. For this purpose, the KAVF should have a minimum reserve of the personnel costs of the PCI secretariat for one year and preferably double these costs that are included in the normal PCI budget.
- The KAVF is a liquidity fund for PCI in order to help bridge the time gap between expenditure and expected receipts by means of in principle low-interest cash loans.
- The KAVF is a guarantee for activities to be undertaken outside the normal budget, for which fundraising has not yet been completed or has not yet yielded the desired results.
- The KAVF serves as a general reserve, in order to cover any operating deficits of PCI.
- The KAVF makes an amount available for the annual Pax Christi International Peace Award.
Objective a) is the main objective and the expenditure for objectives b, c, d and e cannot exceed the growth of the KAVF, which will consist of interest income and any other income.
Adopted by the board of the KAVF in Antwerp on November 29, 2021.
Board expense allowance: No
Does (part of) the board receive holiday pay: No
Explanation of board remuneration: The Articles of Association provide that board members do not receive any remuneration for their work.
Remuneration policy for employees: The Foundation has no employees.