New Publication: A Policymaker’s Tool for Effective, Nonviolent Strategies for Sustainable Peace

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We are pleased to launch a new publication for policymakers (and all those who want to make nonviolence a matter of policy!). The short, illustrative and practical brochure illustrates how nonviolence at the policy level has been proven effective around the world. We brought together experts and stories from around our movement to highlight the importance of nonviolence for policymakers as well as how easy and cost-effective it can be.

Click below to download the publication in PDF format in English, French, Spanish, and Italian

A Policymaker’s Tool for Effective, Nonviolent Strategies for Sustainable Peace (PDF)

Outil à l’intention des décideurs politiques pour des stratégies non-violentes efficaces en vue d’obtenir une paix durable (PDF)

Una herramienta para que los responsables de políticas adopten estrategias eficaces y noviolentas para una paz sostenible (PDF)

Uno strumento di politica attiva per strategie efficaci e nonviolente verso una pace giusta e sostenibile (PDF)

More about the publication

Around the world, our members and partners have applied the principle and practice of nonviolence in their work with communities and have advocated for policies that support nonviolent options. Through courageous action they have contributed to the transformation of violence and violent conflicts into dialogues for peace and justice. Since our founding 75 years ago, nonviolence has been a core focus of our work, ranging from giving nonviolence training to youth to organising meetings with policy makers and church leaders on nonviolence and just peace.

Nonviolence is the positive reverence for dignity and life as well as a diverse set of tools for preventing, interrupting or reducing violence—from diplomacy to restorative justice, from the implementation of international norms to unarmed community protection. Much work remains in promoting nonviolence at policy-making levels. While nonviolent options have proven to be more effective at driving political change in contexts around the globe, investment in weapons and military preparedness by governments has increased, resulting in unabated violence and violent conflicts, while investment in nonviolent strategies is relatively negligible.

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